Solidarity, Cats, and the Will to Live

Solidarity, Cats, and the Will to Live

It is another anxious night for me, as I am waiting again for my lost feline companion to come back home. I listen to the silence outside, and I can hear it interrupted by sounds of a new rain. I worry for my cat, but I can do nothing more than hope that he would find...

Why Deep Philosophy?

“Why do we need Deep Philosophy? Which needs does it satisfy?” That’s a wrong question to ask. To see this, compare: Which needs does poetry satisfy? Reading poetry does not satisfy any pre-existing need. Before you knew there was poetry in the world, or before you...
The game of life (according to Schlick)

The game of life (according to Schlick)

Last winter I visited Vienna, and while walking around the city and enjoying the omnipresent history, I noticed, by the Belvedere Gardens, a memorial plaque: “The distinguished philosopher and university professor Moritz Schlick (1882-1936).” The name somehow sounded...