by Jairo Sandoval | Jul 9, 2021 | Jairo Sandoval, Posts English
From Ernesto’s diary… January 29th I haven’t written anything in my diary for more than a week, but from what I’m about to tell, I think my absence will be justified. Until now, the only thing that had kept me more or less afloat in the midst of my...
by Jairo Sandoval | Mar 2, 2021 | Jairo Sandoval, Posts Italian
Messico, dicembre 2020 Caro N., Grazie per la tua ultima lettera. L’ho letto con grande interesse e devo ammettere che ne sono stato profondamente toccato. Apprezzo la tua fiducia in me e ammiro il tuo coraggio nell’affrontare con me questioni così intime e...
by Jairo Sandoval | Jan 26, 2021 | Jairo Sandoval, Posts English
Mexico, December 2020 Dear N., Thank you for your last letter. I read it with great interest, and I have to admit that more than once I was deeply touched. I appreciate your trust in me, and I admire your courage to tell me such intimate and sensitive matters. I am...
by Jairo Sandoval | Jan 8, 2021 | Jairo Sandoval, Posts English
– Hey Leo, you seem sad today. What’s eating you? – The injustice in this country. And the fact that I can do nothing about it. – So you decided to resign yourself, kid? – What can I do, Acratus? The big businesses that run this country are...