Stepping out of Plato’s Cave (2016)

Philosophical Counseling, Philosophical Practice, and Self-Transformation

Ran Lahav

The vision presented in this book is Plato’s famous Allegory of the Cave, tells us that the role of philosophy is to help us understand the narrow “cave” in which we are imprisoned and inspire us to step out of this cave towards greater and richer horizons of human existence. This is the vision developed in this book: that philosophy can transform our life and elevate it, in line with the great visions of many important philosophers throughout the ages. Ran Lahav, a major contributor to the development of this field, presents here the approach which he has been developing for more than 25 years.
This book discusses both the theory and practice of philosophical practice, and it explains how to apply them to the main formats of the field: philosophical counseling, self-reflection groups, and philosophical companionships. Many case-studies illustrate these ideas in a concrete, accessible way. Overall, this book is a complete guide for anybody interested in philosophical practice, from the beginner to the experienced philosophical practitioner.

Available in bookstores and on Amazon (electronic or print).